Welcome to the Duchess anon, so you’d like to make your way to the island I see?
In order to make it to the island safely you will need to be accompanied by an island ape, is yours coming?
“What’s an island ape?”

Island apes are native to ApeOnly Island, a place in the Ethereum region. Island apes are extremely rare and it is very uncommon for them to venture from the island but they do!

“How did they get to the island?”

It’s told that thousands of years ago hundreds of thousands of apes ventured out in pursuit of a new world, a better world. Many perished, but the few that made the journey found youth, unimaginable riches, and a new home on the island.
There is only 2914 Island Apes, and there will only ever be 2914 Island Apes. No one knows what happened to the female apes, there hasn’t been a female seen for hundreds of years.

“I have an ApeOnly”

You do? That ApeOnly can be used to call out an Island Ape, get to the back of the line and prepare for boarding! We depart soon!
(Island apes will be free to mint + gas fee for anyone who holds a genesis ApeOnly. 999 max claimable)


Before sale starts
discord invite link competition. 5 apes will be reserved for the winners of this competition, it will run until the sale starts.1st place 1 $ETH + Island Ape 2nd place .5 ETH + Island Ape 3-5: 1 Island ape


The Island forms and discord is locked. Only people holding an island ape may enter the island


5 island ape giveaway


Clans reveal themselves. There are 4 clans. In order to loot the island for $Shillings you will need 2 apes of the same clan. $Shillings will be used to change your clan, name, bio.


10 lucky random island ape holders receive a free metal print of their island ape. Member exclusive limited edition metal print or canvas print purchasing opens. (You can purchase a high-quality metal print or canvas print of your island ape)


Roadmap 2.0


Roadmap 2.0 Teaser: Island Apes + $Shillings 🔥 = 3D Island Apes
What is the collection size?

There will only ever be 2914 Island Apes

How much?

Mint price or "ferry fee" is .025 ETH

How many Island Apes were free to mint?

A maximum of 999 Island Apes can be claimed by ApeOnly holders. 1 ApeOnly = 1 Island Ape

How many Apes will be held back for marketing?

81 Island Apes are being held back for marketing, giveaways and the team. 31 Island Apes of that 81 are being airdropped to ApeOnlys that were burned.

Can I mint on my mobile?


Is there a limit on minting?


How many traits do Island Apes have?



Shillings can be used to change your clan, name, bio and as in game loot

Do I own the intellectual property?

Yes, full intellectual properties are given to the buyer. When you buy an Island Ape you own the Island Ape completely.

When is the launch date?

21 Oct 5pm UTC