Choose your clan wisely
as one will rise
above all


Thousands of years ago when apes travelled to the island, they eventually went their different ways and formed clans. There are 4 clans on ApeOnly Island. The Coconut Bashers, Wave Riders, Banana Rippers and Seashell Drifters. On initial mint clans will be completely random, 25% chance to get into 1 of 4 clans. Each clan will start with 2222 members. In order to search the island for shillings you will need 2 apes of the same clan. Once you have 2 apes of the same clan you can stake these apes to find shillings. Island apes use shillings to change their clan, change their name, change their bio and for in game battles. Battle other island apes and loot your defeated enemies of their shillings.

Coconut Bashers

Meanest of the mean. This clan resides in the heart of the island. Aggressive by nature they are as brutal as they come. Known for getting what they want by brute force and intimidation. Not the most intelligent clan as they are known for opening coconuts by smashing them against their heads, but don't tell them this or your head might find itself upside a coconut.

Wave Riders

The coolest of the cool. This clan resides mostly on the outskirts of the island where the sea is easily accessible. Intelligent, calm and agile these apes are masters of the sea. They are known for having a very deep spiritual connection to the sea and all its creatures. Stories passed down through generations speak of this clan battling a kraken that terrorized the waters surrounding the island.

Banana Rippers

Known for always being on edge this clan runs through bananas like water. They reside inland on the island and are known for being extremely energetic from their massive banana intake and easily influenced if promised a hand of bananas. If they catch a glimpse of a banana there is nothing they won't do to get to that banana and rip it to shreds.

Seashell Drifters

Nomads, always moving from one place to another this clan has no specific home, although they can mostly be found on the western side of the island. This clan is known for being very fast learners and experimental. Having a very deep spiritual connection to the island and all its inhabitants. They are frequently seen performing rituals and providing tributes to the island in order to contact the spirits.